
Hi there! I'm Brandon, one of the co-founders of Melbourne Coffee Roasting Co., a family run
business that began back in 2009.
"Every cup of coffee has a story" ; This saying still resonates deeply with me, and I'm sure we all have
a story about how coffee has woven itself into our lives. Here’s how mine began.
Melbourne Coffee Roasting Co. or as it was originally known, Ambrosia Coffee Roasters, started over
a casual family dinner. I can’t recall exactly what we were eating (probably spaghetti bolognese,
given our Italian heritage), but I vividly remember my dad suddenly announcing, "We should start a
coffee business!"; My initial reaction was a mix of surprise and skepticism, “Like Nescafé?!... Why?
We don’t know anything about coffee!” My experience at the time was limited to instant coffee or
vacuum sealed bags from Italy, often stale and lifeless after months on a shelf.
I brushed it off as a passing thought from my dad, but before I knew it, he had bought a small 3 kilo
coffee roaster, and my youngest brother had started working as a barista at “Cottle on Coventry” in
South Melbourne.
In truth, I was probably the last family member to fully embrace this new venture. Yet, before long,
we found ourselves roasting coffee in my grandfather Nonno Frank’s garage and setting up a stall on
Sunday mornings at the Kingsbury Market in Greensborough. Those early days at the market helped
us build a loyal community and sparked a passion for quality coffee and meaningful customer
connections. However, for me, it was still a side hustle, a weekend gig that hadn’t quite captured my
full attention.
While working in sales at the Laminex Group, I decided we needed to see how we stacked up against
the big names in the industry. In 2015, we entered the Sydney Fine Food Show and won Bronze for
both our latte and espresso, followed by a Silver the next year. It was a surreal moment for a guy
who’d been selling bench tops and MDF board just a few years prior, and it made me start
questioning what was possible.
In January 2019, I was finally given the push I needed to take the leap of faith into the coffee world
full time, and I've never looked back. This journey has given me so much, lifelong friendships, the joy
of crafting award winning coffee, and the chance to connect with others who share this love.
The wise words still ring true,"Every cup of coffee has a story". Now, I’d love to hear yours.